Education. Guidance. Support.
For Strong Marriage & Family.

November 23, 2017
A young lady writes a letter to her parents: I know you want to see me settled in a happy marriage, and that is why you are working so diligently for a shiduch for me. I love you, I truly appreciate your intent, but the way you are going about it isn’t working for me.
September 11, 2017
As you work through a list of qualities that you absolutely must have in a spouse, it is also important to state to yourself WHY that is so crucial to you for a successful marriage.
August 20, 2017
If you (or your friend) are not 'on the same page' as your parents regarding shiduchim, here are some ways you might discuss this with your parents. Respect and appreciation for your parents are crucial for such conversations to be effective.
August 03, 2017
When meeting someone for shiduchim purposes, it is important to know what you ought to know about each other and the relationship before you commit to marriage and a life time together.
June 26, 2017
Narcissism: What is it? What is it like to be married to a narcissist? How to detect narcissistic tendencies during dating?
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