Education. Guidance. Support.
For Strong Marriage & Family.

Many of these events are part of a series of workshops and education organized in conjunction with the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative awarded by Council Member Matthieu Eugene.
Rabbi Shais Taub
Rabbi Shais Taub talks about what the husband can do to reset the marriage - bringing your good marriage to even greater levels.
Yeshaya Kraus, LCSW
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad talks with Yeshaya Kraus, LCSW of Shalom Taskforce about how to ask effectively for what you want and need.
Rabbi Eliyahu Prero
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad talks with Rabbi Eliyahu Prero, a financial coach at Mesila* about how to develop an effective budget as a team. Rabbi Prero will share some Dos and Don'ts of discussing your budget.
Velvel & Estie Lipskier
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad talks with Velvel & Estie Lipskier about Shalom Bayis tools and mindsets for a peaceful and joyful Yom Tov
Rabbi Eliyahu Prero (Mesila)
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad talks with Rabbi Eliyahu Prero, a financial coach at Mesila* about how to navigate financial issues as a team. Rabbi Prero will share some Dos and Don'ts of working through financial stress.
Rabbi Shais Taub
Rabbi Taub continues the conversation about husband's role - especially in times of Corona.
Dr. Elka Pinson
Dr. Pinson shares some insights about how to show support to a spouse (or other loved one) who has experienced trauma induced by Corona. What might you say, what is generally not helpful, what type of further support is available?
Mr. Devora Krasnianski
Insights and ideas for navigating the new Shiduch world (Corona style).
Rabbi Shais Taub
Rabbi Taub addresses some issues unique to Corona - as applicable to role of husband.
Mrs. Devora Krasnianski, founder of Adai Ad.
Being engaged during the uncertainty of Corona can add an extra layer of questions and challenges. This talk addresses some of those concerns: your relationship, the feeling of unsettledness, what type of wedding will I have. And more.
Dr. Shana Frydman, PhD, LCSW
Quarantine can be challenging, but for those living with abusive partners, it presents a whole other level of difficulty. Dr. Frydman shares some important points about safety plans, what you can do and should not do to help an abuse victim.
Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, MS, LCPC
Keeping your sanity and your marriage during the Corona chaos. Rabbi Slatkin share how to have important conversations with your spouse in a safe and respectful way, using the Imago dialog.
Dr. David Pelcovitz
Chizuk and insights for newlyweds (and everyone else) to survive and strengthen their marriage during the Corona chaotic and uncertain times.
Mrs. Devora Krasnianski, founder, Adai Ad
Helping someone work through marriage issues is a huge responsibility. The number one rule in medicine “Do No Harm” is definitely apropos here. You certainly do not want to make a difficult situation even more complex. The questions you ask, the perspectives you share, the words you use; these all matter – are you helping or are you making things even worse?
Chaya Margolin, Financial Coach
Adai Ad presents NEWLYWEDS GUIDE TO MONEY: SOME DO'S AND DON'TS Different money personalities and habits. How to navigate it all? It is important to get on the same page about money – before it turns into conflict and tension. Chaya Margolin, a noted Financial Counselor shares some basic financial responsibility tips and must-dos. She talks about financial goals, how to have conversations about money, establishing a budget, credit cards, investing, and saving/spending balance.
Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, M.S. LCPC
Are you hoping that your spouse would consistently meet more of your needs, wants and desires? Instead of complaining, criticizing or withdrawing to try to get what you want from your spouse, how about asking? Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, M.S., LCPC discusses how you can effectively make requests for change from your spouse.
How childhood memories still trigger you today
Zalman Nelson LMSW
Getting triggered is a message: there’s a part of us that feels all that, needs our attention, and will continue to get triggered until has our focus. The key to growth and shifts in our relationships is moving away from reacting to the triggerer to the part of ourselves getting triggered. Zalman Nelson, LMSW discusses how to use triggers for personal development.
Preparing your marriage for a baby
Frayda Kaplan, certified Gottman educator (Bringing Baby Home)
So much to prepare and plan before the birth of the baby - baby furniture, hospital tour, maternity leave, insurance, doctors and and and .... And your marriage.
Frayda Kaplan, certified Gottman educator (Bringing Baby Home) shares some valuable tips and insights for preparing your marriage for this exciting new addition to your family.
Esther Friedman, Temperament Certified Professional
Your personality and temperament impact how you interact with others and yourself. So naturally, it impacts your marriage relationship.
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad explores this idea with Esther Friedman, a Temperament Certified Professional.
David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC
Sometimes, without realizing, one or both of a couple is harming the marriage relationship. Often, they think that "If just my spouse would change." And then with a bit more introspection, they think, "Can it be me who is ruining our marriage?"
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad interviews David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC about this topic: Can it be me who is ruining our marriage? A frank and honest discussion about what people may be doing that harms their marriage. And what first steps they can do to improve the situation.
Lisa Twerski, LCSW
The wedding is over and the young couple settles into shanah rishonah and a life together. For most, there is the bliss. And the normal challenges and the typical 'hard work' of building the marriage. Sadly, for a few, it is the beginning of a nightmare of abuse and control.
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad interviews Lisa Twerski, LCSW about "Is this normal? Recognizing abusive behavior early in marriage". What to do if you feel abused or controlled? And the importance of seeking support as soon as you feel uncomfortable and unheard in the marriage.

Rabbi Abba & Chanie Perelmuter
Rabbi Abba and Chanie Perelmuter, Shluchim at Shul by the Shore in Long Beach, CA address the typical Pesach stresses in their unique Perelmuter style – humor and practicality. They share tips, insights and laughs from their many Pesach experiences – with young children and with grandchildren and married children; at home and as shluchim; as guests and as hosts; in a tiny kitchen and a (sort of) decent sized kitchen.
Impact of Organization on Shalom Bayis
Having a clean and organized home the benefits to the family. How might you get the whole family involved in keeping the house orderly? Bassie Kalmanson, master organizer, shares practical tips and insights for keeping your home and life organized and getting everyone onboard.
Moshe Zev Lamm, LCSW
When people get married they never dream that they might be betrayed by their spouse. BH, it doesn’t happen often. But if it does happen to someone, it is such a shocking realization. It’s like living in a nightmare. There is shock, devastation, profound hurt and feelings of being betrayed and blind-sided. What happens next? Can someone get through it? Can the marriage?
Moshe Zev Lamm, LCSW discusses what to do when the betrayal is discovered, and more importantly what not to do.
Rabbi Shais Taub
When children are not following the derech on which their parents raised them, it can be very frustrating to the parents. There are so many emotions going on for each parent, and the other family members. There may be differing opinions about what to do and handle the situation. But at all times, all should remember to keep the Shalom in the marriage and the rest of the family.
Rabbi Shais Taub talks about this.
Estee Lieblich, M.S.
Of course, all parents want the best for their children. But sometimes the mother and father have different ideas about what that might be. Estee Lieblich shares some important mindsets and practical ideas to reach those goals.
Lisa Twerski,LCSW
Lisa Twerski, LCSW shares some important mindsets and tools for effective communication for everyday conversations and those harder ones.
Sarah Eichler, Childbirth Educator & Lactation Consultant
While it is the wife who is physically expecting the baby, much is happening for both the husband and wife. It is important to understand each other and talk about it. Devora Krasnianski, founder of Adai Ad talks with Sarah Eichler, Childbirth Educator and Lactation Consultant, about important points about pregnancy and what might be going on for the mother and father. This talk is especially apropos for first and second pregnancies. And very important for the fathers.
Dr. Yael Respler, Noted psychotherapist in the areas of family, marital and intimate relationship issues.
Minor differences in parenting style are all right. However, children will get confused when parents have different approaches. And worse, they are likely to play one parent against the other. Our parenting styles are based on values, personalities and so many other factors. Often one way is not any more right than another. For the sake of the child, it is important to be on the same page.
Parents ought to talk about what they hope for the children and what parenting styles they believe will get their children there. Dr. Yael Respler shares conversation starters and things to consider during such conversations, as well as some important parenting tips. (This discussion is about parenting young children.)
Chaya Margolin, Financial Coach
Money. It’s important, we all need some money to pay for the things we need to live. Too often this becomes an area that couples don’t like to talk about. Or an area of conflict, or is evaded to avoid conflicts. Sometimes, it is from different values or patterns from family of origin.
It may be difficult, but we must have these discussions around money. Chaya Margolin shares ideas for budgeting and how to talk about money.
David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC
For rabbis, rebetzins, mashpiim/os, kallah/ chosson teachers. How you can be helpful when someone approaches you about domestic abuse.
(Includes recording of event and 40+ page booklet of resources and further reading.)
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Basya Deitsch
“You don’t just marry your spouse, you marry the family.” For many this is a blessing. For others, the in-laws can be a point of contention. There’s an art to creating healthy and loving relationships with your in-laws (or at the very least, tolerable relationships).
Listen in as Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad talks with Basya Deitsch, a noted relationship coach about this delicate relationship. This call is geared for the "children-in-law".
David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC
A discussion about the difference between dysfunction, mental illness and domestic abuse. And why that difference matters.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Rabbi Shais Taub
“How to enhance a marriage singlehandedly, even without the help of the spouse.” In some marriages, this is the best possible way to improve the marriage.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Dr. Elka Jacobs-Pinson
What the child hears and sees in the home affects them for life- both positively and negatively. She will discuss what parents should and should not do in their own marriage for the sake of their child’s mental health.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Rabbi Mendel Lipskier, Sherman Oaks, CA
Addressing questions that newly married men have or didn't even know to ask, and what young wives wish someone would tell their husbands.
[Part 2 of Shalom Bayis Week 5777]
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Dina Cohen, M.A. CSAT candidate
When people get married they never dream that they might be betrayed by their spouse. BH, it doesn’t happen often. But if it does happen to you it is such a shocking realization. You probably feel like you're living in a nightmare. You are shocked, devastated, betrayed, horrified, blind-sided, and profoundly hurt.
What happens next? How can you get through it?
Rabbi Pinney & Rebetzin Helana Herman
Rabbi Pinney & Rebetzin Helana Herman present about “Turning Conflict into Connection”, including mindsets and tools to build stronger relationships. Based on the Imago principles integrated with chasidus.
[Part 1 of Shalom Bayis Week 5777]
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Rabbi Shais Taub
For Bochurim.
Preparing in advance to develop and mature those mindsets and tools is the best gift you can give your spouse and yourself, and your future together. Your marriage relationship starts even before the first shiduch meeting and can continue to blossom during shiduchim . Hence the importance of learning about marriage even before starting shiduchim, so that you date effectively and productively.
Rabbi Shais Taub shares important facets of successful marriage, and what you can do in advance of marriage to bring your best self into the marriage.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Rabbi Shais Taub
Helping someone work through marriage issues is a huge responsibility. The number one rule in medicine “Do No Harm” is definitely apropos here. You certainly do not want to make a difficult situation even more complex. The questions you ask, the perspectives you share, the words you use; these all matter – are you helping or are you chas v’shalom making things even worse?
Rabbi Shais Taub shares some Dos and Don’ts from his experiences as a rabbi and relationship expert.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Does the Mizbeach Cry when an Abusive Marriage Ends
Rabbi YY Jacboson
We have all learned about the Gemara that says that when someone divorces his wife, even the Mizbeach (Altar) sheds tears on his account. (Gittin 90b, Sanhedrin 22a). What does this really mean and how does it apply to ending a marriage of severe pain and abuse?
Rabbi YY Jacobson discusses: “Does the Mizbeach Cry When an Abusive Marriage Ends? An hashkafic view on ending an abusive marriage.”
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Rabbi Shais Taub
Of course, your rabbi (and mashpia) is available to listen and speak with you about all matters in your life. But you can’t just hope that somehow he will divine your reason for asking for a consultation and then offer appropriate help.
All too often, Rabbis have best intentions to be helpful, but they just cannot be – they simply don’t know enough about the situation. As a result, everyone becomes frustrated and disappointed. Even worse is when the rabbi gives the wrong advice, something that might bring more harm and stress. Most often it is because vital details have not been disclosed.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Lisa Twerski, LCSW
Men as victims of abuse? How we define the term and why it matters.

Awaken your Intuition
Esther Russell, M.A.
Trust your gut. For young women.
Erin Bistricer
What you need to know.
Online webinar with Erin Bistricer, Staff Attorney for Shalom Taskforce: Sarah's Voice
- Custody
- Support
- Equitable Distribution
- Order of Protection / Exclusive Occupancy
- Family Court vs Supreme Court
- Arbitration vs Mediation vs Litigation
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Lisa Twerski, LCSW
The victim of domestic abuse can be anyone - even a man.
This phenomenon is less known. For a variety of reasons. But that doesn’t make it less real. Nor less painful for the man and his family.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .

Mother's Role in Shiduchim
Devora Krasnianski
Communicating with your adult child, including the practical (what words to use, what not to say)
Before your child commits to marriage, what your s/he should be sure about their relationship (and how to communicate around this)
How to help your child when s/he is feeling conflicted
How to empower your child to have the 'hard conversations' during dating (about his/her own family/ medical/ past history and also about the other's)
How to do research. What questions to ask, what wording to use

Awaken your Intuition.
Esther Russell, M.A.
Awaken your Intuition. Trust your gut and act on your inner wisdom.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
Lisa Twerski, LCSW
Listen in as Lisa Twerski, LCSW, guides and supports 'Nechama' and 'Yisrael', as they work to help their sister through an abusive marriage.
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .
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