You may not be able to spend time together in the same place, but it is still important to spend some time with each other. Here are some date night ideas. Of course, you don't have to do them at night, and you don't have to make it an official date.
Note: The links provided are just one example of ideas in that category; you can Google for other ideas. Additionally, the links have only been skimmed and analayzed for hashkafic appropriate.
If you have any ideas, pls add in the comments below or email to info@adaiad.org.
Conversations you might have
To set up your marriage
Communication styles (how do you like to hear bad news, how do you like to be asked to change a way of doing things, what feels like a real apology, how do you like to be told that other one is stressed, how will someone know if you are stressed)
Checking in with each other (ex: weekly meetings)
Money styles, budgets, accounts
In law/ boundaries
Personality tests (ex: 16personalities, personalitytype.com)
Favorites (if spouse wants to do something special for you – what would that be? What is your favorite restaurant, night out, food, music, scent)
Getting to know each other even deeper
Family history
Childhood memories
What If … questions
Would you rather … questions
Long Distance ‘date nights’
Via Whatsapp Video
Cooking same recipe at same time
Walk around the neighborhood – show highlights of your neighborhoods (shul, park, favorite stores. Tell stories/ anecdotes about these spots)
Paint Night (you can work with instruction websites)
Do simultaneously and chat about it (or screen share)
Watch a video/movie (watchparty)
Online escape room
Virtual tours / virtual hikes (museums, google maps)
Board games – ex: battleship, Pictionary, triva
Armchair traveling
Build ‘model [airplane] (buy 2 of same thing – each does in their own house)
Paint mug/ plate (using Sharpie oil based paint markers)
Word puzzles
Make a memory book of dating (google images of where you went, captions, etc.) - Shutterfly, Picaboo
Show family pics
Virtual board games, Mad Gabs, list of ‘Multi Player games’, Scategories
Fancy dinner (order/make same food, candlelit, etc.)
Lego competition (create 'something' from lego kits or just lego)
Create [something] from random stuff in the house
‘Show and tell’ of things that are meaningful to you.
Drawing/ creating challenges
Create a ‘time capsule’ – “open this on our 5th anniversary”
‘Read my lips’ – mute yourself and talk. See if you can understand what the other said.
Online JIgsaw puzzles (multiplayer)
Doing & Discussing
Read same book/article – discuss
Watch Ted talk – discuss
Take same course – discuss/ do ‘homework together’ skillshare, coursera
Research vacation/honeymoon destinations
Send ‘open when…’ notes. By snail mail. (‘Open when you are feeling [lonely, stressed, in the mood of a joke]’) You can send separate ones or a packet. Label each envelope.
“Date-In-A-Box” – popcorn (microwave), cool drink, snuggle blanket, DVD (or link to a movie); candles, flowers, music CD (or link), cloth napkins, wine
Make a word search with words related to your lives
Send e-cards. (corny is OK)
Send ‘sketchtoy’ handwritten messages
Read Laffy Taffy jokes. (order a box of Laffy Taffys for each of you). Make up your own puns.
Play ‘road trip games’ – ABC game (words in certain category that begin with each letter of alphabet), 21 Questions, Endswith (words in certain category that begin with the last letter of the previous word)
Gift Ideas (gifts don’t have to cost money or be grand)
Gift certificate to Barnes & Nobles or other local book store
Stress balls, coloring books for adults & colored pencils, puzzles, soduko
Link to a song/article you think they’ll enjoy
Kit related to a hobby/ interest
Related Resources
Dating Ideas in the time of Social Distancing (YU Connects)
Pleasant Activities & their Social Modification (YU Connects)
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