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There are NO RULES in Shiduchim - 7

Devora Krasnianski, founder of Adai Ad Institute

How might you describe your single?

Often people try to categorize singles into different labels – chasidish, but chilled; working and also learning; frum the way we were back in the 80s, etc. These labels are only somewhat helpful, but really they are subjective; people have different understandings as to what these labels might mean.

  • It is much better to give concrete examples to illustrate what you are talking about. “He works from 9-5 and has a consistent chavrusa 3 nights a week, and on Friday nights.” “She davens shachris every day, on most days, she doesn’t get to davening mincha.”

  • You might describe the type of home and family life they envision for their future. “She envisions a home where the husband is working and invites ‘not yet frum’ co-workers for Shabbos and yom tov and the family is involved in mivtzaim on chol hamoed.”

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