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A Vocabulary of Emotions

Devora Krasnianski

by Devora Krasnianski, founder of Adai Ad Institute

In expressing feelings, it is helpful to use words that refer to the specific emotions rather than words that are vague or general. The following lists have been compiled to help you increase your power to articulate feelings and clearly describe a whole range of emotional states (adapted from NVC, by Marshall Rosenberg).

How we are likely to feel when our needs are being met.

  1. absorbed

  2. adventurous

  3. affectionate

  4. alert

  5. alive

  6. amazed

  7. amused

  8. animated

  9. appreciative

  10. ardent

  11. aroused

  12. astonished

  13. blissful

  14. breathless

  15. buoyant

  16. calm

  17. carefree

  18. cheerful

  19. comfortable

  20. complacent

  21. composed

  22. concerned

  23. confident

  24. contented

  25. cool

  26. curious

  27. dazzled

  28. delighted

  29. eager

  30. ebullient

  31. ecstatic

  32. effervescent

  33. elated

  34. enchanted

  35. encouraged

  36. energetic

  37. engrossed

  38. enlivened

  39. enthusiastic

  40. excited

  41. exhilarated

  42. expansive

  43. expectant

  44. exultant

  45. fascinated

  46. free

  47. friendly

  48. fulfilled

  49. glad

  50. gleeful

  51. glorious

  52. glowing

  53. good-humored

  54. grateful

  55. gratified

  56. happy

  57. helpful

  58. hopeful

  59. inquisitive

  60. inspired

  61. intense

  62. interested

  63. invigorated

  64. involved

  65. joyous

  66. joyful

  67. jubilant

  68. keyed-up

  69. loving

  70. mellow

  71. merry

  72. mirthful

  73. moved

  74. optimistic

  75. overjoyed

  76. overwhelmed

  77. peaceful

  78. perky

  79. pleasant

  80. pleased

  81. proud

  82. quiet

  83. radiant

  84. rapturous

  85. refreshed

  86. relaxed

  87. relieved

  88. satisfied

  89. secure

  90. sensitive

  91. serene

  92. spellbound

  93. splendid

  94. stimulated

  95. surprised

  96. tender

  97. thankful

  98. thrilled

  99. touched

  100. tranquil

  101. trusting

  102. upbeat

  103. warm

  104. wide-awake

  105. wonderful

  106. zestful

How we’re likely to feel when our needs are not being met

  1. afraid

  2. aggravated

  3. agitated

  4. alarmed

  5. aloof

  6. angry

  7. anguished

  8. annoyed

  9. anxious

  10. apathetic

  11. apprehensive

  12. aroused

  13. ashamed

  14. beat

  15. bewildered

  16. bitter

  17. blah

  18. blue

  19. bored

  20. brokenhearted

  21. chagrined

  22. cold

  23. concerned

  24. confused

  25. cool

  26. cross

  27. dejected

  28. depressed

  29. despairing

  30. despondent

  31. detached

  32. disaffected

  33. disappointed

  34. discouraged

  35. disenchanted

  36. disgruntled

  37. disgusted

  38. disheartened

  39. dismayed

  40. displeased

  41. disquieted

  42. distressed

  43. disturbed

  44. downcast

  45. downhearted

  46. dull

  47. edgy

  48. embarrassed

  49. embittered

  50. exasperated

  51. exhausted

  52. fatigued

  53. fearful

  54. fidgety

  55. forlorn

  56. frightened

  57. frustrated.

  58. furious

  59. guilty

  60. harried

  61. heavy

  62. helpless

  63. hesitant

  64. horrible

  65. horrified

  66. hostile

  67. hot

  68. humdrum

  69. hurt

  70. impatient

  71. indifferent

  72. intense

  73. irate

  74. irked

  75. irritated

  76. jealous

  77. jittery

  78. keyed-up

  79. lazy

  80. leery

  81. lethargic

  82. listless

  83. lonely

  84. mad

  85. mean

  86. miserable

  87. mopey

  88. morose

  89. mournful

  90. nervous

  91. nettled

  92. numb

  93. overwhelmed

  94. panicky

  95. passive

  96. perplexed

  97. pessimistic

  98. puzzled

  99. rancorous

  100. reluctant

  101. repelled

  102. resentful

  103. restless

  104. sad

  105. scared

  106. sensitive

  107. shaky

  108. shocked

  109. skeptical

  110. sleepy

  111. sorrowful

  112. sorry

  113. spiritless

  114. startled

  115. surprised

  116. suspicious

  117. tepid

  118. terrified

  119. tired

  120. troubled

  121. uncomfortable

  122. unconcerned

  123. uneasy

  124. unglued

  125. unhappy

  126. unnerved

  127. unsteady

  128. upset

  129. uptight

  130. vexed

  131. weary

  132. wistful

  133. withdrawn

  134. were

  135. woeful

  136. worried

  137. wretched


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